Acquiring a Florida Fishing License – Simple Guide

Florida is a warm state, fishing is an integral part of their lifestyle, that even visitors are compelled to pick up the rod while they are there. But they must get a Florida fishing license before engaging in fishing activities, which is very easy to obtain.

This article completely provides you with all you need for a Florida license and kickstart your fishing experience.

As earlier stated, visitors and residents of Florida must acquire a fishing license if they must be allowed to fish. Different licenses are covering different areas, like a Florida freshwater fishing license covers fishes in rivers and lakes, while a Florida saltwater fishing license covers fishes in lagoons, bays, and oceans. But in an area containing both freshwater and saltwater fish, adequate attention and caution are required to ensure that only the fish that is covered by their license are retained, while others not covered are released back. Those considering catching various types of fishes, they are advised to get both the Florida saltwater fishing license and the Florida freshwater license.

Aside from all these restrictions, the saltwater fishing charters provide licensing coverage for all they have on board, including visitors. While enjoying the cover charters provided, and fishing with a guide, it is advised to purchase your license.

Who can go for a Florida fishing license?

Everyone that wants to possess a fishing license in Florida either a resident or non-resident must be between 16 and 65 years. All fishing activities must be done legally, even if you decide to assist someone by setting up their gear and baiting their hooks. In comparison with other states of the US, the minimum age of 16 years is relatively high as against Alabama which license applicants are 10 years and above.

Moreover, we see some reservations when it comes to getting a Florida saltwater fishing license. These few are exempted from getting a Florida saltwater fishing license. This set of people may go fishing without the Florida saltwater fishing license, they are as follows;

  • The disabled- with a Florida resident, the disabled that reside in Florida are permitted to go fishing whether they have a license or not.
  • Military personalities- Florida resident’s militants are permitted to go fishing not minding if they possess a fishing license or not, most time in cases when they stay up to a month.
  • Shoreline fishing license is given to Florida residents for free and this gives them free access to fish saltwater fishes from land structures. One of the benefits and privileges for Florida residents fishing in saltwater without having to get a license.
  • Eligible residents for fishing without a license must show a piece of evidence to the coast guards. For example, an under 16 resident must show proof of age.

How Much Does Florida Fish License Cost?

The cost of the Florida fish license varies because there are different types of Florida fish licenses, and most importantly the Florida fishing cost depends on whether you are a resident or a visitor. Visitors are also involved in purchasing a fishing license but only for a short period usually 3-7 days while residents are eligible to purchase a Florida lifetime fishing license.

Freshwater Fishing License for Residents

A resident of Florida is someone who has declared that his/her state of residence is Florida only, having evidence of identification with an address and Florida residency certified by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle (HSMV). If any of the above-mentioned forms of identification are not available, they can also tender a declaration of domicile, Florida Military Orders, or a homestead exemption.

Freshwater Fishing (expires after 12 months from stipulated start date) $17
Youth Freshwater Fishing (this is optional for kids below 16 years of age and expires when they hit 17— getting a fishing license is not really a requirement until you get to 16) $17
5 years freshwater fishing license (this expires 5 years after stipulated start date) $79
Freshwater and Saltwater Fishing Combo (this expires 12 months from the stipulated start date) $32.5
Freshwater Fishing and Hunting Combo (this expires 12 months from the stipulated start date) $32.5
Freshwater and Saltwater Fishing Combo (expires12 months from stipulated start date) $48
Resident 64+ Silver Sportsman’s License Freshwater Fishing (expires 12 months from stipulated start date) $13.5
Resident 64+ Silver Sportsman’s License includes Freshwater Fishing permits (expires five years from stipulated start date) $67.5
The Sportsman’s License which includes a Freshwater Fishing license; and Florida Waterfowl permits (expires 12 months from stipulated start date) $80.5
Youth Gold Sportsman’s License (it is meant for children who are not up to 16 years, and expires when they get to 17) $100
5-Year Gold Sportsman’s License (includes Freshwater Fishing and Saltwater Fishing licenses; and Snook, Florida Waterfowl, and Lobster permits) $494
License Type Resident Cost Non-resident Cost
3-Days Freshwater N/A $17
7-Day (Weekly) Freshwater N/A $30
Annual Freshwater $17 $47
5-Year Freshwater $79 N/A
3-Day Saltwater N/A $17
7-Day Saltwater N/A $30
Annual Saltwater $17 $47
5-Year Saltwater $79 N/A
Annual Freshwater/Saltwater Combo $32.50 N/A

In order to be censused among the residents of Florida for the purpose of fishing, then you should be a member of the US armed forces in Florida or declare Florida your only state of residence. Aside from the little fee for processing, the rest of the cash you spend goes into the FWC (Florida Wildlife Commission). The majority of the cash is invested into the health and sustainability of Florida’s fishery health. That is to imply that your license is giving people the opportunity to benefit from this resource for so many years. Cool right!

Where to Buy a Fishing License

Wondering where to buy a Florida fishing license? It can be bought online or with registered retailers. Including Walmart, tax collector’s offices, and registered bait and tackle stores. They can be reached over the phone at +1 (888) 347-4356 (FISH-FLORIDA)

The cheapest way of getting a fishing license is walking to your local tax collector’s office. Establishing that fact, a lot of people prefer getting licensed in Walmart, online, because of the convenience, but your local tackle shop is worth the small extra fee that these platforms charge.

Final Thoughts

Fishing licenses in Florida are quite different from some other states like Alabama. Fishing licenses in Florida last 12 months from the issued date. That helps a lot because you will always be aware if you are still covered. After all, the expiration date is printed right there on the license. When it expires, you can renew your fishing license at any official retailer.

If your fishing license is misplaced or maybe lost, you will be able to quickly get a replacement for $2.

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